Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Committed and Determined... or something like that

Nothing says stupid crazy committed like starting a five mile run at 8:30 on July 4th in 90 degree weather with 50%  humidity and an air quality alert.Nothing says stupid crazy determined like finishing the 5 miles faster than you did in better, early morning weather last week.:) We did do something fun for the 4th this morning with lots of friends and I WILL blog about it, but since the batteries in my camera were dead today all I have is cell phone pics and I have to email them to myself to avoid loading insane amounts of other pictures.This week Aarik started his new (thankfully temporary) schedule and so I've had to run nights, and will continue to do so until he switches to his next schedule.not my favorite but it will have to do for now. Hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day! I'll post pics and details of all of our fun soon!


  1. Great job getting that hot run in!! It's been really hot here, too, definitely takes some crazy determination. :)

    1. Thanks Laura! It helps that I have such a good reason to "Never Give Up"! I'm amazed at the way you keep going the way you do!
